Why Welltime?

Our History

Our strength is in our innovative and creative approach to provide solutions that make life easier for our customers and help their businesses grow.

Our History

It was a cold afternoon in late 2003. I was sitting in the waiting room of the GP practice with family for a check up when a notice on the wall caught my attention; it read ‘Last month, 417 patients missed their appointments! Please keep it or cancel it, but don’t miss it’.

Fast forward a few years, with a lot of discussions with customers / patients and health care professionals, with heavy R&D, we made the core platform of AppointMentor. The vision, albeit grand- is a simple one. Allow people (patients or customers) to be able to book, cancel, and manage their appointments 24×7, from any device, from anywhere. Through AppointMentor, we can surface the service provider available appointment slots, allowing patients (or customers, if it is a non-healthcare organization) to book appointments for the services that the practices or organisations have marked as available for Online Booking. It has a lot of intelligence built into it (probably subject for another blog post) as well as flexibility and easy / intuitive user interface. And now it is operational and provides many millions of patients the ability to manage their appointments online, with ease and without hassle.

January 2003

Welltime Limited was incorporated on 13 January 2003.

March 2007
The first successful product AppointMentor – online appointment booking was launched in March 2007.
June 2010
The second successful product PatientConnections – patient’s feedback, education and reviews system was launched in June 2010.
October 2015
Welltime’s products were introduced in other regions such as Middle East, Australia and Africa.
March 2020
In the wake of Covid-19, due to high demand from the market RemoteForms was introduced in March 2020.
July 2022
RemoteForms was rebranded with advanced features to IntelligentForms in July 2022.

Let’s Get Started

Ready To Make a Real Change? Let’s Build this Thing Together!